Stay Strong, Age Well: Your Guide to Preventing Frailty
As we journey through life, our bodies undergo numerous changes. One significant concern that often arises as we grow older is frailty. But what exactly is frailty, and how can we recognise and prevent it?
New Ways to Treat Early-Stage Breast Changes: What We're Learning
During routine mammograms, doctors sometimes find changes in the breast's milk ducts called DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). While this isn't invasive cancer, it has traditionally been treated with surgery just to be safe. However, exciting new research is showing that we might have other options that could be just as effective while being less invasive.
Building Your Inner Strength: How to Bounce Back Better
Life throws challenges at all of us. Whether it's dealing with health issues, work stress, or personal setbacks, our ability to recover and stay strong - what we call resilience - makes all the difference.
The Real Impact of Being Alone
What It Does to Our Bodies
You might think social isolation just makes you feel a bit down, but it actually hits our health pretty hard. Here's what the research tells us:
Empowering Women's Health: Our Vision for 2025 - New Menopause Clinic and Educational Initiatives
Exciting News for 2025: Expanding Our Care for Women's Health
I'm thrilled to share some exciting developments that we have planned for 2025. Our biggest news is the launch of our dedicated Menopause Clinic, where we'll offer comprehensive care that combines our expertise in menopause management and breast health. We understand that every woman's journey is unique, which is why we're committed to providing personalised care plans that address your specific needs.
End of Year Reflection: A Journey of Growth and Resilience
As we approach the end of another year, it's natural to reflect on the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned throughout this remarkable journey. When considering my own performance and growth, I'm reminded of the importance of embracing a learning mindset—one that allows for continuous improvement and adaptation to the ever-changing landscape we navigate.
Bone Health and Breast Cancer: Understanding the Connection
Exploring the crucial relationship between bone health, osteoporosis, and breast cancer treatments. Bone Health and Osteoporosis: Our bones are living tissues that constantly change. Hormones and physical activity help control this process. Two types of cells are important: osteoblasts (which build bone) and osteoclasts (which break down bone).
Safety of Vaginal Estrogen Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients: New Insights
Breast cancer survivors often experience genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). This condition is frequently undiagnosed and untreated and can start earlier due to cancer treatments. There's been little evidence about the safety of vaginal hormone therapies for women with or at high risk of breast cancer.
Optimising Breast Cancer Care: The Role of Aromatase Inhibitors
Breast cancer is a significant health issue affecting many women worldwide. In New Zealand, it's the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death for women. The impact of breast cancer varies among different ethnic groups. Māori and Pacific women are more likely to get breast cancer than New Zealand European women.
Exercise Programs and Reduced Hospitalisation in Older Adults: Insights from Recent Research
Regular exercise enhances overall cardiopulmonary fitness and plays a crucial role in both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, several obstacles impede increased physical activity, including time constraints, physical limitations, motivational factors, and inadequate facilities.
Understanding the Limited Impact of Hormonal Contraception and Menopausal Hormone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk
I recently listened to Prof JA Eden's presentation at the World Menopause Congress on the topic “Why do hormonal contraception and menopausal hormonal treatment have such a small effect on breast cancer risk?”. This is a summary and my interpretation of his talk.
Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Exploring Personalised Breast Cancer Screening Strategies
I have recently become aware of the fascinating WISDOM study by Dr. Laura Esserman and her dedicated team at the University of California, San Francisco. As a healthcare professional deeply invested in advancing medical practices, I eagerly anticipate the outcomes of this groundbreaking research.
Denosumab: A Promising Solution for Bone Loss in Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients
In the world of breast cancer treatment, we often focus on eradicating the cancer itself. However, it's equally important to address the side effects of cancer therapies, which can significantly impact patients' quality of life. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology sheds light on an important issue: bone loss in premenopausal women with breast cancer undergoing estradiol suppression therapy.
Beyond the Buzz: Decoding the Protein Craze
In the ever-changing landscape of nutrition trends, protein has emerged as the reigning champion of nutrients. It's like carbs are so last season, and now everyone's jumping on the protein bandwagon. But what's the deal with this protein craze, and should we really be going nuts over it?
Rethinking Xylitol: A Sugar Substitute's Surprising Impact on Cardiovascular Risk
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that stimulates sweetness receptors on the tongue. Because of this, it is used as an artificial sweetener. It's a common ingredient in sugar-free chewing gums, candies, mints, diabetes-friendly foods, and oral-care products.
Beyond the Operating Room: Patient Experiences with Breast-Conserving Surgery and Post Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction
This large study from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center In New York compares how women feel about their quality of life after two different types of breast cancer surgeries. We're talking about breast-conserving therapy (BCT) and post-mastectomy breast reconstruction (PMBR).
Live Long and Prosper: The Geriatrician's Guide to Eating, Moving, and Schmoozing Your Way to 100!
“Longevity isn’t just about living a long life but also about living well,” I read in a recent CNN article. They talked to a geriatric specialist from the University of North Carolina who shared three key tips for living well and long.
The SENOMAC Trial: Skipping Completion Axillary Dissection in Certain Breast Cancer Cases Shows No Negative Impact
The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that omitting completion axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in these patients did not negatively impact their recurrence-free survival.
We Are Eating Predigested Food
Why do many people overeat chips, cereals, cakes, puddings, and other ultra-processed foods despite knowing they may not be healthy? According to science, it may be due to manufacturing processes that “predigest” raw food ingredients, creating ultra-processed foods that bypass the body’s signals of fullness.
Aspirin and Breast Cancer: A Review of its Efficacy and Potential Risks
Over the years, several patients have approached me with inquiries about the use of aspirin as a preventive measure against breast cancer. To address their concerns, I decided to delve into research and came across an informative study titled "Aspirin vs Placebo as Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer: The Alliance A011502 Randomized Trial".