Alex Popadich

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Healthcare During New Zealand Lockdown (Covid-19)

It has been two weeks since New Zealand has gone into lockdown. Some people have been worried about the way healthcare is operating during this time. Especially people who have had developed cancer or those concerned they may have it.

I wanted to write this to reassure you that things are going fine. We doctors are committed to providing excellent care and minimising patients' exposure to coronavirus during their time in hospital.

If you think you may have cancer or another life-threatening condition, please don't hesitate to see a specialist even right now.

Doctors still see those with life-threatening conditions or serious illnesses. In general surgery, these conditions include bowel obstruction, strangulated hernias, infections (gallbladder infections, appendicitis, diverticulitis, etc.) and many others.

So if you're concerned about your health, please either call or see your GP, arrange a specialist appointment (this can only be done in private practices) or go to the emergency department. You will be seen very promptly, as there are no long waiting times. If anything, you'd be able to see a specialist faster at the moment. We currently see such patients promptly and offer them investigations as well as operations.

For example, if you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, we can most likely see you within a week and operate within 2-3 weeks, which is quicker than before coronavirus hit New Zealand shores. This is also happening this quickly in public hospitals.

If you have a non-life-threatening condition like hernia that causes you discomfort and pain, it is safer that we do not see you in the hospital. We may arrange an appointment over the phone or video to discuss your symptoms before we make a decision. 

If after this appointment it appears that it isn't a life-threatening condition, we will postpone your surgery. This is due to the risk of exposure to coronavirus in hospitals being more significant than the risk of delaying the operation. Another reason is that people from outside may also bring coronavirus to healthcare workers.

If a large number of people start getting sick with coronavirus, our hospitals will be overfilled and understaffed being unable to provide urgent care to patients with life-threatening conditions. This is something that's happening in Italy, Spain and New York at the moment. 

Unfortunately, during uncertain times like the current, there is an increase in rates of domestic violence. Every stressful time brings this out. If you are or might be in this situation, please ask for help. 

Here is the link of people to contact to report domestic violence. These are also excellent websites - It's Not OK and Women's Refuge. Women's Refuge is operating during the Level 4 COVID19 lockdown. So please ask for help during this difficult time.